How it works
Our readerless mobile credentials use the users mobile as the active NFC reader to unlock a door. Users can unlock using smartphone NFC technology, a smart watch complication, and iPhone or Android Widgets.

Touch, tap, unlock
- The user taps their smartphone onto the wireless Smart Access Tile next to the door or uses the iPhone or Android widget to unlock the door remotely.
- A user authentication check is carried out.
- Access is granted displayed by a green tick on
the phone screen.
Intelligent and secure cloud infrastructure
- The user’s smartphone connects to Sentry
Interactive’s cloud service. - Sentry Interactive’s cloud service
communicates via SSL/SSH to the building’s
door access controller. - The Sentry Interactive cloud is secured through

Seamless cloud connection
- The building’s access controller acknowledges
the access request from the Sentry Interactive
cloud. - A signal is sent to release the electric/magnetic
door lock and unlock the door.
Secure, logged door entry
- The door unlocks in under a second and the user enters the building
- A log-file stores unlock data including date,
time and the door that was unlocked.

Unlock doors using iPhone and Android widgets
Using Sentry’s readerless mobile credentials, users can unlock doors remotely from anywhere with a network connection using the iPhone and Android app widgets. Users can unlock doors using their favourited keys at the touch of a button.
Hosts can unlock a door for a visitor within a building or from an external remote location.
Users are able to seamlessly unlock a door before they arrive at it, meaning no time is wasted at the door tapping the door credential.
Seamless, secure, and reliable access
Sentry Interactive’s readerless mobile access credentials are engineered for comprehensive security. We are the only readerless NFC mobile access provider to follow NIST compliant standards by using the mobile as the reader. Military-grade encryption protects user access data in the cloud, while audit logging and privacy regulation compliance further secure the data.
Go mobile today with our readerless solution
Find out more about our readerless mobile credential software and how you can future proof your building access security.