The future of mobile access lies in leveraging technology that is not only innovative but also secure, scalable, and user-centric. In 2025, mobile access solutions will not only be about convenience and cost-savings but about resilience in the face of security threats. The organizations that adapt to this dual challenge of innovation and security will be the ones that thrive.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change.”
Darwin’s principle holds firm even in today’s rapidly advancing technological and business environment. There must be constant adaptability to not just survive but thrive as competition helps to drive an exploration for innovation.
This principle underscores why organizations must rethink their approach to mobile access. Clinging to outdated, reader-centric solutions, where the next solution is the same as the last, both costly and risky as technology evolves your reader will need to be replaced once again. The smarter move is to evolve and embrace adaptable, software-driven solutions that align with modern cybersecurity needs, while lowering your total cost ownership (TCO).
As you consider upgrading your systems, prioritize solutions that align with the following principles:
- Ease of use: For both administrators to set up and for enterprise end users to use.
- Cost-effectiveness: Minimize expensive hardware upgrades by opting for software-first solutions that can leverage your existing access control infrastructure.
- Adaptability: Choose systems that can evolve with your organization’s needs and technological advancements.
- Cybersecurity: Ensure robust protections are in place against current and future threats. Embrace NIST compliance, end-to-end encryption and biometric multi-factor authentication.
Sentry Interactive has pioneered an evolutionary approach to NFC mobile access by eliminating the need for traditional mobile access control architecture such as readers and cards. Their software-only solution leverages the user’s smartphone as the active authentication device instead of a reader at the door, seamlessly bypassing reader integration and communicating with the existing physical access control systems to unlock NFC mobile access. Instead of costly reader replacements, a low-cost NFC door tile acts as the credential at each door. Sentry Interactive’s readerless mobile credential solution exemplifies this adaptability and keeps mobile access simple, secure and future ready.
This ‘readerless’ cloud based model significantly reduces costs, streamlines deployments, enhances security and reduces security risks such as cyber attacks to on-prem access control systems. By bypassing physical readers, it eliminates a major point of vulnerability in traditional systems. Combined with advanced encryption and secure authentication protocols, it addresses both operational efficiency and cybersecurity concerns.
The future is now, are you ready?
Exploration is the engine that drives innovation and as it continues to accelerate in the access control realm, mobile access must not only evolve to deliver a better user experience that’s more convenient and interoperable for a lower cost but it must also adapt to exceed network security protocols and cybersecurity threats and challenges. Survival in this digital age requires solutions that are agile, resilient, and secure, all great characteristics but as Steve Jobs said “it’s Innovation that distinguishes between a leader and a follower”.
Feel free to reach out to discuss your specific needs and explore how modern NFC mobile access solutions can work for you.